We went to The Base..quite impressive looking shopping mall..
Surprisingly, i only bought one thing..(since only Bendon Outlet that interests me!)
What happened to this shopaholic?
I guess, she just needs to see more of zero zero zero in her bank account! haha..
maybe because it was raining that time..killing the mood~~ (since when???)
Anyway, yes..it rains everyday here in Hamilton!
I had to disappoint Abu (a friend who is doing his elective in Hamilton) today, for not going to the city..because as he should already know, i am the most hopeless person for DIRECTIONS, TRANSPORT and TRAVELLING ALONE (except naik flight hehe)..you probably familiar with the term BASIC SKILL DEFICIENT ye abu! haha..i guess Encik Lebah cam terpaksa redha je eh hheheheh dengan disorder saya ini!
Laptop buat hal lagi!!!
Da two days..the monitor keeps on 'hidup tanak mati tak mau'..tapi jgnla matii wahai monitor, tunggu la saya balik Malaysia duluuuuuu!!
Sony Vaio kaler putih da masuk dalam mimpi nih hehehehee...
Sabarla Acey..saya nggak ada ubat buat kamuuu lagiii..sabar yaaaa!
Malam tadi, while Nana was busy menjahit seluar seluar jeans dia yg sungguh banyak! Saya, Diana dan Asma borak borak borak..
about perangla (Anzac Day kan!) ha ape lagi, pasal perang mmg semangat la!
about Russel Peters hahaha lawak2..
Pastu saya tdo dkt bilik Asma, dia bercerita kisah2 hidup sampai kol 2.30 am!!
Dalam banyak2 kisah tu, tekeluar plak how guys cant be friends with girls..
I think i believe we can be friends..cant we?
But talking with experience...hmmmmm my first guy friend, ever..we are not friends anymore..I wonder what our friendship means to him..i guess nothing..
but for me..it is quite a big part of my life..well, he thought me a bit about how guys can be bla bla..although sampai now i still takut mende bukan bukan about guys walaupun tak seteruk duluuuu hehe..
Other guy friends lepas lepas tu..hmmm sama. Not friends anymore. Not at all.
Tinggal yg dkt New Zealand, sorg kat Ukraine, sorg kat Medan, here and there sket2 je la..yg true friends..~~
The one and only. and still my best ever friend is my encik lebah of course..hhihi..
Can talk about cat and giraffe for an hour!
hhehehe..sorry Nuha, Zen, Farah..saya tgh rindu Encik Lebah nii hehehe..
Okaylah! nak pegi makan roti with butter and sugar..hmm yummm!
p.s Kiss from a rose..
hmm sorry ni tak perlu dah. mcm hari2 aje miss encik lebah. adekah ko tak perasan setiap entri ko berakhir ngan 'i miss u encik lebah' - lebih kurang laa.
bukan itu aje, kat facebook pun sama.
ahhahahahahahahahahha....aku baru perasan! cetttt! malu la akuu nuhaaa hehehehhe..
tapi aku mmg rinduu punnnnn huwaaaaaaaaaa!!!
hehehheheheheeh.. gediknye
zen cakap dia pun perasan mengenai hal ni. so lagi lah terbukti, tak dapat di sangkal2 lagi. tak perlu lah dikau malu2 kucing
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