Thursday, December 31, 2015

A new year is on the way and the possibilities are endless~~

As this year is ending,
I wish all the negativity and difficulties also end with this year
and 2016 will bring success and desired results for all of us~~ insyaAllah.
And thanks for not laughing at my absurdly unattainable 2015 new year's resolutions..iaitu nak kurus healthily!
Haha, I still have not shed this stubborn 5 kilos since I have Ammar. Its been two years already haha.
Looks like I have to embrace the new me, like what Encik Lebah always said.
A mummy.
                                        Pilot Ammar during his first visit to Muzium TUDM,
                             Pandangan macho from Pilot Ammar haha~~ sampai baju terangkat!

2015 is one great year. Alhamdulillah.
Ammar is growing up so fast at home, and we have had three nannies so far!
The first one took care of Ammar at home for 1 year and 8 months! She was a superb nanny albeit she is only 19 years old! ~~
It is exciting when thinking about Ammar going to kindy later, insyaAllah.
Mummy yg excited nak tgk Ammar pegi kindergarten, and yet also Mummy anxious how Ammar will have to cope with new environment, and getting new friends.
Still long way to go but it will be a new challenge for him.
Cumanya, nowadays tadika starts so early at the age of 4?
I wonder whats the evidence behind that.
Does that making our children wiser?
Because I thought playschool is much more important.
Playing is the serious part of learning for children.
But in Malaysia, the exam-oriented learning starts way too early I think.
By standard one, your children are expected to be able to read and write.?!
Isn't that too early? I remember my kindergarten when I was 6 years old, we were learning alphabets and nursery rhymes, and I learned how to read and write when I was 7 years old.
And I am sure almost all our friends born in same year went thru the same thing,
And we are running the country right now, ececewah.
But yes, my point is, do we need to expect these young ones to have that academic syllabus at the age of four? But if that becomes the norm, then we have no choice...
Our children have to face the challenges of demanding future ahead of them.
Oh my son dah nak besar!~~
                       A walk to remember~~ Daddy and son bonding time...captured in this photo.
      Thank you for making 2015 amazing, dear husband. You have been a very good father, a loving                 husband, a caring partner, an ambitious doctor, a humble son, a wonderful person.
                                            Thank you for making us happy, alhamdulillah~~

2015, we took small brave step, applying for Masters.
I applied for Master in Health Technology Assessment (MPH HTA) and Encik Lebah applied for Master in Health Economics.
Both under Masters in Special Interests, and in Birmigham UK
Up till today, there is not one single doctor who holds this master in HTA in Malaysia and there's only one doctor who graduated from Birmi that held Master in Health Econs
So, they really fall under special interest category.
As we are all well aware, evidence based medicine has grown fast in Malaysia these recent years, and the demands for specialists in this area is undeniable.
So, we were thinking, why not?
Dare to be different.
We went to the HLP interview last November, and the candidates were all outstanding.
There were about 60 plus candidates, and the place for HLP are about 6 places.
So I knew there and then that our chances are very very slim, but attending the interviews and applying were already big steps for us. It was a good experience.
It doesnt matter if we got in or not.
There's always another chance. InsyaAllah.

23-months-old Ammar.
With his bike.
Gift from beloved Tok Ma and Tok Abah!
~~gewammm la mummy!!

He is looking more like a boy now.
Cheeky chubby boy!
He is losing his baby fat already.
Becoming more active.
More manja!
Melt melt melt~~

It is always our dream to do masters together in overseas.
And dreams do come true.
It's not wrong to dream big.
If your dreams dont scare you, they arent big enough.
So never give up a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it, the time will pass anyway..:)

I guess, support from the superiors is very much crucial to our career development
There should be more encouragement, ethusiasm, positive attitudes towards encouraging the young ones to pursue their dreams
We should all learn how to treat the young ones professionally and inspire them.
You should not just be a leader, but to be inspirational to other people
Inspire them to learn,
to go after their dreams,
after all,
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world~~

2015, The year most challenging for doctors.
complaints, complaints and complaints.
Viral posts, anti-vaccination groups, natural birth squad and so much expectations from doctors.
What can we learn from that?
It seems to me that our people becoming more aware about their illness, the medical treatments, their autonomy and rights.
So, it is our duty as doctors, in this new era of media social, where information travel within seconds, to buck up on our knowledge, to face this new challenges!
Be updated, be ethical, and be smart!
Because your patients are getting smarter than you, doctors! So wake up~~!
Ammar, Daddy and Mummy on Mummy's birthday in October~~
at Avillion Admiral Cove, Port Dickson.

My baby toddler at 23 months old.
His full time job is playing.
Climbing everything.
saying more words.
Getting more active! Look at him all happy~~

November, is Ammar's birthday month.
This year theme was Dibo the gift dragon.
This cartoon series are Ammar's favourite. He will sing dibodibodibodiboding!
He loves the dragon Dibo and pink rabbit named Bunny.
He will get all giggly when the show's on.
Dibo the cake by the scrummycakedesign, comel sgt! Ammar suka!

Happy Birthday Dear Ammar, you are two years old on 15th November 2015. Alhamdulillah~~
The Otago clan on Ammar's birthday~
Our house was packed with kids and kids stuff. haha.
It was great, and a fun day! Thanks guys!

Ibrahim, Ammar and Sakura, had good time that day.
Siap sampai mandi, outdoor session, and tuka baju bagai!
so, next will be Ibrahim and Sakura's birthday!! Yayyy~~~! Tak sabar nak pegi birthday parties eh Ammar?!
The chubby little family,
Us, during birthday celebration in December for Daddy in Malacca~~

2015 has come to end. Alhamdulillah for the happy year.
Welcome 2016. Let us start with Bismillah~~
InsyaAllah 2016 will offer more opportunities to become better person, and insyaAllah dikurniakan perlindungan, rezeki dan rahmat dariNya.

See you next year!

1 comment:

Me said...

Happy new year and best of luck