11am: Finally up! (Anna's everyday life now starts at Malaysian time =P)
Reflex terus on desktop Zen..i am missing my Acey (my laptop) which is now with Zen in Palmy North! Zen balik this weekend, yayyy!
11.10am: Get-into-shape plan. haha. Hip Hop Abs; Last minute workout + Aerobics + Pilates. (Nuha kata exercises ni kene buat pagi2..tapi since saya bangun 11am, kire pagi la tu,Malaysia baru 6am!
11.45am: Bersiap2.. Kemas living room, basuh pinggan, basuh tong sampah hahaa..(tak penah buat ni masa kat apartment 12!) Teruskan marathon puasa..insyaallah a few more days lagi!
1pm: Washing machine time. Zen, saya basuh baju ye. hihihi bangga takk!! sungguh independent sekarang! (actually, Encik Lebah risau saya tak reti basuh baju uish uish uish hehehe)
2pm: Gantung gantung baju and lipat2 baju. Watched Notting Hill. It was my first time..haha. I remember my galfriends used to laugh at me, sbb tak penah tgk this famous movie..=P anyway, sungguh tak logik cerita ini..too good to be true maybeee!
4pm: Nak masak ape ni nak masak ape ni. Finally i can read books. YES. Book with pictures of food. What else! Cookbooks especially my birthday present last year tu, a cookbook titled KITCHEN. Fascinating!
Anna is a cooking monster...hahaha..an eating machine who is mad about cooking!
She finds these cooking books very intriguing these days!
4.30pm: Still undecisive..Watched Anthony Bourdain- No reservation..my favourite travel TV show..Zen pun!
5.30pm: Can feel sedikit kelaparan..i should distract myself. So i did. I decided to make Daging Merah for dinner..makan dgn nasik putih panas..yummyy~~
Daging merah with red+green fresh chillies,spring onions on top~~
Bukak puasa..alhamdulillah..berjaya puasa hari ni =)
7.30pm: Hell's Kitchen show. Very stressful TV programme to watch. I used to get stressed out with how nasty Chef Ramsay treat the participants..but ive been testing my stress management..haha, now i just dont feel a thing..Impressed with Chef Ramsay punya skills in cooking..but the words that came out his mouth..not so impressed with that..
8.30pm: Ladder 49. Farah suruh saya tgk cerita ni. About firefighters gambling their lives saving people..Farah tak cakap hero dia mati..huhu sedeh saya..sikit lagi mahu nanges yeee! Fire is one of my fears..
Nuha pernah tanya about my fears..except Him, The Merciful~~
1. Snake (whenever i type this, it sends shiver thru to my spine!) Anything that can look and sound like it..whoa..
2. Water. Yes. I spent my childhood with fishing and experienced near-drowning situations. Still afraid of water. I love beach, oceans...but when its dark..everything looks angry..and dangerous. I had zillion nightmares about drowning, tsunami..(i think ive been watching too much National Geographic on Natural Disasters of the world!)
3. Fire. I can get very obsessed with car engine, weird sounds when driving..all i could think of flames, and fire! Car with radiator problems really give me palpitations!
4. Man. This used to be my biggest fear. I used to think MEN ARE ALL LIARS. the weirdest creature on earth. I used to literally run away. RUN. when a guy approaches me. I think of them as monsters. HAIRY MONSTERS. hihihi..It took years to actually believe in one of them..Encik Lebah of course..=)
12pm midnight: Checking Air New Zealand; grab a seat. Nothing's interesting. No interesting destination. Grab a seat is my internet homepage...That tells you enough about me!
1am: Eyes still wide open. Sugar high as always. Ade org bid buku saya dekat trademe..weeheeee...come on people, bid pleasee! hahaha..poket kering ye..kene carik sumber pendapatan =P
Zen balik,yay zen balik!
Zen nnt dikau balik, saya akan masak ye, sedap sedap untuk kamuuu..haha kekurangan iron eh sekarang..!
Unai will fly from Christchurch this Thursday..yeeehaa..jom pegi tgk The boy in striped pyjamas!!! (walaupun Nuha emo tanak pegi mana2, tp harap2 Unai akan heret Nuha keluar jugak!)
Zen, Nuha dah cakap jgn mengadu, kalau dia buli...
tapi..nak mengadu Zen, Nuha selalu jelingggggggggggggg hihihi =P
Fresh prawns cooked in peanut sauce~~ Udang in kuah kacang =)
"So bottle up old love, and throw it out to sea!"
"Watch it away as you cry.."
"A year has passed.."
"The seasons go.."
"Please just don't play with me.."
"My paper heart will bleed.."
p.s Houseman menganggur di apartment 13, wide awake at midnight..wondering....trying to find wishing star..
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