Monday, October 20, 2008

Entry untuk Encik Lebah =)

Saya bersama my personal guitar player hhihi. Encik lebah sedang membuat free concert ketika ini.

Dear Encik Lebah,
I dedicate this entry especially for you.
Lately,i have been "not myself".hihi and i was very super sensitive and tearful, for no reason. Well actually i got a lot of reason. But i guess its not an excuse. hihi so lately,ive caused you a lot of "pening pening" haha.
Anyway, Encik Lebah, saya tidak pandai bermain guitar seperti awak, jadi saya hanya boley nyanyi2 seperti budak kecil sahaja eheehhee.
Mudanya saya dgn Encik Lebah masa ni hehehe
"No one, no one, no one, can get in the way of what im one no one no one, can get in the way of what i feel for you..youuu youu.."
Saya mahu lagi tinggiiiii
Encik lebah, kesian awak. Sebab everytime i finished, its 6pm. When you finished work, its 6pm for you,but 11pm for me. So i said you are always busy and busy and busy. Its actually only because im 5hours ahead of you. And this is one of the situation that you would always have to "pening-pening" since you know me 3years ago..hehe

I love this shirt...=)
I just realized that since i know you, there was not one single day that i dont know about you, your fun time with friends, days when youre not that happy..or the most happiest day for you..
Our favourite ayamas restaurant
"Its time to be a big girl now..and big girls dont cry".I dont think i can be a big girl now. I know that i am getting smaller and smaller.hahaha. asyik nangesss jeeeee!!
My 2007 with you

I love it when you said "Naj tak penah lagi tgk girls makan macam Anna..sama banyak or lebih dari Naj!" hahahaha is that good or bad??? dalam my hati cakappp.hahaahhahaha. alamak alamak. malu la sayaaaaa hihihi.Tapi encik lebah, awak terpaksa terima, yg saya mmg sentiasa akan abeskan nasik lemak tiga segi awak yeeee ahhaha sampai lapar lapar.kesiannyeeeeeeee!

Encik lebah yg suka kaler hitam. Saya suka baju ni =)

Encik lebah ni for me, sangat special. I've never met a guy like you.Youre just the best! =) =)
(Anna, awak ade buat salah ape ni hihihi) takde takde. ni sincerely from the heart of my heart.haaa hihhihi. (Abesla Nuha and Zen akan haematemesis nih)

Encik Lebah, awak tau tak, Anna rasa macam nak balik sekarang jeeee
"Cause its you and me.and all other people..and i dont know why"
"i cant keep my eyes off of you"

Encik lebah with miow miow saya. Harry, Charlie and Tulus

Kesian encik lebah, everytime pegi mana2 saya akan asyik tengok miow je. Sometimes tu sampai ikut miow tu berjalan2,lupa ade encik lebah. hehehehe..sori sori. Nasib baik encik lebah takde asthma. Kalau tak, abesla. Bersama sama miow je sepanjang hari. Baik awak cakap, awak suka kucing tak encik lebah? Ikhlas ni ikhlas hihihi

Saya sungguh comot dalam gamba ini.Luar gamba pun!
What i like about you. A lot. hihihi. Encik Lebah, seriesly i think you are so different from me. Sgt lain. Ala..nak balik Malaysiaaa. Encik Lebah, pleasee...come to Wellington pleaseee..terbangla. Lebah ade sayap kan hihihi.

Owh simba, kenape awak sungguh manja??? turun turun cepatttttt
To encik lebah, Im so sorry if i said anything or did anything recently that was not like me. hihi you know me righttt..hihihi. And i know you. very well. And and..i miss all your songs..=)
And i miss you so much...
Thank you sebab sayang much..=)
Nnt belaja rajin2 ye encik lebah dan saya. hihi
Anna sayang Naj~~ =)
p.s: nak ABC super special satuuu!!!


F said...

Cepatlah kahwin korang.

Since Kak Anna pun dah big girl kan skrg

Anna Mariya said...

ehem ehem,ade org tu yg nak .... hehehhehe. insyaallah farah, ape kata jadi official jurugambar? heheheehe discount laaa

F said...

org tu nk apa?

official jurugambar ke? bolehlah. kak anna punya psl

uShop said...

percintaan jarak jauh..
hanya org yg melaluinya je tau ape yg dirasa kn..
Good Luck xD

Anna Mariya said...

Ade org tu nak bertunang! haaaa amik hihhihi

Yayyy official jurugambar tgh training.Nnt balik free of charge ke kene bayar byk juge? Discount ye discount heehe

Percintaan jarak jauh? Wah hihi tak terfikir puleee term ni hehe

mumun said...

suwet la kak anna. jeles2.hahahah..
aah..kawen la cepat2
=) make sure sy ade!!!!!

Anna Mariya said...

hihihi sabar sabar.hahahhaha,ye ye korg kene tunggu saya membesar sedikit yeeee hihihi

yasmin said...

hahhah...bulu roma saye meremang-remang!!!

Anna Mariya said...

yasmin nak kene nihhhh hihihihi oooooo cubit nak cubitttt

NuRaNi HaZa said...

lawaknyer yasmin!
saya join awaklah yasmin!