Day 4. Still great! still fun. still friendly working environment. alhamdulillah =) Everyday is consultant's ward round day, which means bullets of questions..=P i gotta be sincere. I seriously could not remember what acute renal course is, why do we give calcium resonium. But i do remember this one. What does nauseous mean to you Anna? this is Dr.R's question this morning!
Gambar selingan- Melly bermata kumbang, dan saya yg rindu Melly hhihihi
I was like..(do you want all the mechanism of nausea triggering zone in the brain or is this a trick question?) it did turn out to be a trick question. Lucky me, i did not attempt to give him all that chemical triggering zone yada yada yada. When you say, "Mrs. X quite nauseous today",meaning Mrs. X making you feel nauseous. When Mrs. X says " Im a bit nauseous today" meaning Mrs. X feels nauseous today. That one glued in my brain. Never say that ever again! especially in front of Dr. R!
I seldom talk about medicine. anything to do with working. So when i write a lil bit about it, now that means im starting to enjoy it a bit. SO FAR. now that is good! And today, I did my second lumbar puncture! My first one was in Dunedin. when i was there doing my elective on geriatrics. It was absolutely an experience. I did lumbar puncture ( needle in your back, thru the space between your spine, to take a little fluid called CSF fluid) on 88-year-old woman with undiagnosed condition. It was quite a challenge. I am impressed with Mrs. K (bukan nama sebenar) who struggled to lie still for me and eventhough it was a hard one, Mrs. K still say her favourite phrase " you gotta do what you gotta do, love"
yes i gotta do what i gotta do =) =)
p.s: Anna mahu makan sate. Sate ayam. please =P
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